These days, it seems as though somebody is getting short-shrift every time I turn around. It's going to get worse. Perhaps much worse and that concerns me deeply. I wasn't raised to believe that the USA was that kind of country, but maybe it is and my family unintentionally lied to me. I know they would not have done so intentionally.

So color me somewhat disillusioned with my own country and the high ideals I had as a young person. I still believe that we can, and should, do better. I want this country to do better and I still believe that possibility exists. We are being led by a minority (albeit a loud and hate-filled minority) whose avowed aim is to tear our country apart by putting one faction against another. We do not have to yield to their venom.

Latinos have contributed heavily to our country's growth and success and, if we are smart, will continue to do so. I am plain old vanilla Scottish-English with rumors of other things mixed in, but I love meeting new cultures, trying new languages, and learning new things. Life is too short to sit in a cave. Healthcare is a right for all human beings, not a privilege for a few. To say otherwise is to deny someone their basic human rights and that's wrong on so many levels.

We won't give up. No nos vamos a rendir hasta que esto se acabe, vale?

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Estoy contigo. Yo tampoco me rindo 🤍

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