A Dangerous Power Grab in North Carolina—and Why It Should Terrify All of Us
How a Republican Power Grab attempt in North Carolina Could Change Elections Nationwide
What’s happening in North Carolina right now is not just a local issue—it’s a direct threat to democracy across the country.
🚨 And we have just one week to stop it. 🚨
Let me break it down. The North Carolina Senate just passed Senate Bill 382. On the surface, it’s labeled a hurricane relief bill.
But here’s the shocking truth: it doesn’t allocate immediate funds for hurricane relief at all. Instead, it’s a blatant power grab designed to strip power from elected Democrats who won fair and square in the last election.
But it gets worse.
This bill includes measures that would:
Cut the time allowed for counting votes.
Make it nearly impossible to fix ballot errors.
Hand control of elections to the Republican Party.
Yes, you read that right. If this passes, Republicans would put their own people in charge of running elections—a move that no state in U.S. history has ever attempted. Election officials in North Carolina are sounding the alarm, warning that these changes would make it physically impossible to count all the votes in major elections.
When the people responsible for our elections are scared, we need to listen.
But here’s the good news: we can stop this.
The bill is now headed to the North Carolina House, where three Republican representatives have already voted against it once. If they hold strong and vote no again, this power grab will fail. But they’re under immense pressure to flip their votes.
Majority Whip Karl Gillespie (R-Macon), Rep. Mike Clampitt (R-Swain) and Rep. Mark Pless (R-Haywood) are the ones who originally voted "no".
🎯 So here’s what we need to do:
If you’re in North Carolina: Call your state representative and tell them to stand against Senate Bill 382. Protect your vote; protect democracy.
has an entire Google Doc for you right here.
Find your Rep here: https://ncleg.gov/FindYourLegislators
Or use ResistBot to contact them.
Text SIGN PUJJFY to 50409 or click here https://resist.bot/petitions/PUJJFY.
Contact the 3 Republicans who voted NO and ask them to keep putting their constituents' needs first by voting to sustain the Governor’s veto.
Don’t know what to say?If you’re not in North Carolina: Share this post. Tell your friends in North Carolina. Make noise. Let those three representatives know the entire country is watching.
This isn’t just about North Carolina. If this passes, it will set a dangerous precedent for other states to follow.
We can’t let that happen.
Let’s get to work.
Gracias, Sylvia!
This is really terrifying for those of us in NC (and as goes NC, so eventually goes the country). If you’re in NC, please write the three Republican reps in the western part of the state & urge them to VOTE NO on the override. Note that these folks are very Republican and voted NO the first time because the bill did not provide nearly enough relief to victims to the hurricane. Any comments from us should focus on that (and not on the #&*($ power grab) — our western NC neighbors NEED financial relief, and our state lawmakers should prioritize that.